If you already have data layers in your project, you can ask questions about them. For instance, you can filter your data to create new data layers based on the existing ones.

Try this prompts:

Show only buildings with more than 5 floors in /Buildings Dataset

What streets have a maximum speed limit of more than 30 in /Streets in Barcelona

Schools in /Buildings

Find only hotels in /Buildings Dataset


You can also describe datasets using keywords :

Find all apartments in datasets containing buildings in Barcelona

Buffer Zones and Isochrones

Aino allows you to create buffer zones around any data within your datasets.

Buffer zones

A buffer zone is a geospatial area created around a feature by expanding its boundary outward by a specified distance. This distance is called the buffer distance.

In prompt you should specify the distance and the dataset/pin/polygon from which you want to create buffers.

Build buffer zones of 500 meters for all schools in /Barcelona schools

300 m buffer around /Pin

create 1500 meters buffers around /subway stations in Berlin