AI gathers data from OpenStreetMap and creates a map of all streets in Malmö, Sweden.
AI gathers data from OpenStreetMap and map buildings footprints in selected Polygon.
AI gathers data from OpenStreetMap and create a map of all parks in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
AI generates a 15-minute walking isochrone from the selected location.
AI generates a buffer polygon around selected location.
AI generates a vector dataset with terrain isolines for selected area in a prompt.
AI generates an H3 density grid showing population density for a selected area in a prompt.
AI generates a dataset gathering data from Overture Maps in the area selected in prompt.
AI generates a request to the Google Maps API to display a bike route between two selected locations.
AI generates the map of land use for selected area from OpenStreetMap.
AI-powered tool for urban consultants, data analysts, and spatial planners to gain insights from spatial data without requiring engineering skills.
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